Shisha vs hookah: What are the differences

Today we cover hookah vs shisha topics. Actually there isn't any noticeable difference, it depends on just where you live. If you live in the United States You'd be using hookah words. American people are used to mentioning Shisha specifically for Hookah tobacco.

If you buy shisha on an American website, you should keep in mind you are actually scrolling down through the shisha tobacco page.

The word shisha is being used in Europe for both products, shisha pipes and shisha tobacco. If you want to buy molasses you should mention like I want to buy shisha tobacco.

Is shisha worse than cigarettes?

This is false information, actually a rumor about shisha when it's related to cigarettes. When shisha manufacturers are producing the shisha tobacco, first they wash and make leaves soak in hot water. Tobacco leaves are losing the tar and nicotine content with this process.

If you don't taste any tobacco when smoking the shisha, this means it's made of washed tobacco leaves. Dark tobaccos became insanely popular lately for satisfying shisha consumers with nicotine content.

Dark leaf shisha tobaccos are not being washed, they are being cleaned out of the tobacco stems and go directly to the production process. So cigarette smokers are getting damaged more if you compare them with someone who smokes tobacco molasses. Cigarette smoking is damaging your lungs too much.

smoking shisha

Is shisha a drug and What hookah smokers say?

Shisha is not definitely a drug, because it's a completely different plant based on ground. Shisha tobacco is being produced from actual raw tobacco leaves, which cigarette companies are using.

If we'd take it like shisha is a drug, we all would walk around high. Personally I smoke shisha for up to 2-3 hours in a daily routine.

If it was something like a drug I would tell you this. You can visit any shisha lounge near your house and try it out. You'll immediately understand what I mean by saying it's not definitely a drug. It's much safer than cigarettes and vape. Also there are tobacco free shisha molasses which you can use.

This is decreasing the health risk for tobacco users. You need to have self tobacco control if you are at a level that you are too addicted. Also we can say the same thing for hookah smoking, but it's damaging less if we think of health effects. Hospital centers for disease control and prevention is working hard on this topic


Who invented hookah & Shisha Pipe & Water Pipe?

The inventor of hookah is Abul-Fath Gilani. He was a Persian physician. Hookah spread out from India to Persia first in the middle east and it got the shape we use right now. When hookah was found in India, they were actually using coconuts and calling it hookah.Who invented hookah ?

How hookah works and What are the smoking methods?

Let's assume you got a hookah from the hookah store. You don't know how to setup the hookah. The first thing you should make sure is to connect stem parts to each other.

After, you'll place the tray on top, fill out the hookah base with preferably cold water. Make sure shisha smoke passed through water. It'll make the smoke thicker and You'll enjoy hookah more for sure.

You got a shisha bowl from your shisha shop? Great ! Now You'll need to pack the shisha tobacco with a dense and fluffy method. This way you get the best result.

How to light up the coconut charcoal?

First all, you need to have natural coconut charcoal. The reason I say this is quick light charcoal is fully covered with chemical stuff.

You wouldn't want to use them, also they last about up to 8-10 minutes and probably you'll get carbon monoxide poisoning in your home if you use it too frequently. Coconut cube charcoal lasts about up to 25-30 minutes. Birth weight is about 2kg when it's raw and the shells are being burned to produce coal cubes. It makes life easier and healthier.

If you don't have a charcoal lighter, make sure to go to our store page and get one for yourself. We sell only known and trusted brands with high quality feedback. Don't ever buy low quality products.

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